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Exam procedure

Internal Examination

Every year internal examinations are conducted which includes Slip test, Unit test, Midterm, Revision exam, Two model exam and One Model commission. The answer scripts are valued in a systematic way and the remedial measures are taken immediately for the low achievers. The progress of the students is monitored and intensive care is given separately for the toppers average and below average students .

University Examination

• A student will be eligible to appear for the University Examination Provided,85% of attendance in college .

Scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
S.No Components Marks
1 Assignments (Average of Two Assignments) 10
2 Seminar 10
3 Class Tests (Average of 2 Unit Tests) 10
Total 30
University result
Year Pass percentage Distinction I class
2007-2008 100% 27 50
2008-2009 88.2% 66 9
2009-2010 100% 70 30
2010-2011 100% 88 11
2011-2012 97.9% 66 31
2012-2013 100% 55 24
2013-2014 99% 61 38
2014-2015 98% 82 14
2015-2016 98% 85 21
2016-2017 100% 29 21
2017-2018 100% 45 26
2018-2019 100% 27 8
2019-2020 100% 30 11
2020-2021 100% 33 -
2021-2022 100% - -